Kodiak 100/900 Series

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Pilot Report: Daher Kodiak 900

The new Kodiak 900 is the 100's bigger but more elegant brother, and both have their own niche in the marketplace.
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Daher Eyes Record Year Ahead

Based upon current order trends, French airframer Daher believes 2022 could be a record year for the company.
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Daher Hands Over 300th Kodiak

Designed initially to operate to remote locations, the Kodiak fleet, which has reached 300, now is operating in a range of applications worldwide.
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Kodiak 100 Expands Airborne Flying Service's Medical Ops

Airborne Flying Service is leasing two Kodiak 100s from the non-profit American Heritage organization for air medical services in the South Central U.S.

Daher Projects 40% Climb in 2021 Aircraft Deliveries

Daher expects to deliver 75 aircraft—50 TBMs and 25 Kodiak 100s—this year, which would be a 41.5 percent increase over 2020 shipments.
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Daher Unveils More Upgrades for Kodiak 100

Daher announced the Series III version of the Kodiak 100 that adds more enhancements and standard features to the utility turboprop.
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Daher Steps Up TBM, Kodiak Training Efforts

Wayman Luy, who spent 16 years as a TBM mentor and factory demo pilot and 20 more at Wayman Aviation Academy, is now Daher director of training, standards.

Daher, Himalaya Pair Kodiak with Land Rover

In a $3 million adventure package, Daher is offering a special-edition Kodiak as part of a package that includes the Himalaya Defender Land Rover.
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