Kerry Lynch
Editor, AIN monthly magazine

Kerry Lynch stepped into the role of editor of the Aviation International News monthly magazine in May 2022 after serving with AIN for eight years. She joined AIN in December 2014 as a senior editor covering Washington and business aviation news. She has also served on Convention News teams, including as editor of HAI Convention News. Lynch previously spent 25 years with Aviation Week. During her time there, she reported for and later steered The Weekly of Business Aviation, oversaw business aviation content on the Aviation Week Intelligence Network, served on the Show News staff, and held roles as the Washington columnist for Business & Commercial Aviation and Overhaul & Maintenance monthly magazines. In 2021 she was honored with the National Business Aviation Association Platinum Wing Award for lifetime achievement in journalism and was the 2004 recipient of the National Air Transportation Association’s Aviation Journalism Excellence Award. She also has been a recipient of an Aerospace Media Award for business aviation (2022) and NBAA Gold Wing Award (2003). Lynch graduated from The Ohio State University with a bachelor of arts in journalism.

Kerry Lynch

Latest from Kerry Lynch


Baldwin Introduces Alaska-oriented SMS Program

Baldwin's Alaska Aviation Safety Exchange SMS/QMS program is designed for operators of all sizes.
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Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Tax Holiday Ends for Commercial Flights

NBAA and NATA update members on the the 2021 tax changes and advised quick action on Covid relief programs.

Air Charter Association Names Glenn Hogben CEO

Glenn Hogben takes the CEO reins for The Air Charter Association after serving as the organization's joint deputy chair.
Regulations and Government

FAA Rule Clears Path for Supersonic Flight Tests

The FAA released a rule clarifying the process for flight authorizations for flight testing beyond Mach 1, a step toward the return of supersonic flight.
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Former NATA Chief Larry Burian Dies

Larry Burian, who died December 23, helped grow a small, struggling organization into a strong voice for general and business aviation companies.
Regulations and Government

CDC Plans To Require Negative Covid Tests for Intl Pax

International passengers arriving into the U.S., including on GA flights, will have to verify that they tested negative for the virus.

People in Aviation

Sullenberger is confirmed as U.S. ambassador to ICAO, Rep. DeFazio is retiring, and IADA has new board leadership.
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Teledyne Technologies To Buy FLIR in $8B Deal

The Teledyne $8 billion acquisition of FLIR is anticipated to close midyear, bringing together two major players in the proprietary sensor field.

NASA's X-59 Takes Shape

NASA has closed the wing and is ready to join the fuselage and empennage of its Mach 1.4 X-59 in preparation for first flight, now planned for 2022.
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F/List To Develop Cabin Features for Aerion's AS2

Building on an existing relationship with Aerion, F/List was selected to provide cabinets, liners, hard floorings, and other interior components for AS2.
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Training and Workforce

People in Aviation: January 2021

Chuck Kegley is president of Hawthorne Global Aviation Services, Ben Hockenberg president of JSSI Parts & Leasing, Michael Dwyer president of Guardian Jet.
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Regulations and Government

EBAA: Brexit Deal Facilitates Continued Ops, Trade

In initial guidance on the draft Brexit agreement, EBAA advises that operations can continue between the UK and EU, but certain rights are limited.

EHang Eyes eVTOL Opportunities in Sightseeing and Express Deliveries

The Chinese eVTOL aircraft developer also has welcomed the country's new standards for express delivery services using unmanned aircraft.
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Regulations and Government

FAA Provides 12-Month Check Airman Extension

The FAA departed from its typical practice of shorter-term Covid-related extensions in granting a request for a year-long check airman extension.

Bombardier Captures Sale of 10 Challenger 350s

The order for 10 Challenger 350s from an undisclosed customer marks one of the larger sales of the year, Bombardier said.
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Regulations and Government

Covid Relief Bill Includes Carrier Aid, Cert Reform

The massive 5,000-page bill renews payroll support programs for air carriers and in general, funds the FAA in FY'21, and reforms ertification.

Daher's Nicolas Chabbert To Serve as GAMA 2021 Chair

GAMA named Daher's Nicolas Chabbert chairman and Embraer Executive Jets's Michael Amalfitano vice-chair for 2021.

Covid Package To Include Air Carrier Relief, Cert Reform

As part of the sweeping Covid relief/FY'2021 funding package, Congress is expected to add $15 billion for air carrier relief and reform certification.

EBAA Sees 'Clear Second Dive' in Bizav Ops in November

Business aviation operations began falling in late third quarter but dropped notably to 26 percent in Europe, according to EBAA's November Traffic Tracker.

WingX: Lockdowns Take Toll on December Bizav Ops

North America, in particular, is seeing a decline in operations in December while global business aircraft activity is down about 20 percent, WingX says.

Argus: Bizav Ops To See Gains After Slow Start in 2021

Business aviation operations will remain down for the first two months of the year and then return to growth after that, Argus forecasts.

Argus: Bizav Ops To See Gains After Slow Start in 2021

Business aviation operations will remain down for the first two months of the year and then return to growth after that, Argus forecasts.

Kansas, FAA Agree To Establish Supersonic Test Corridor

The 770-nm corridor would provide a critical testing site for the emerging group of supersonic aircraft.
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Cabin Interior and Electronics

Gogo's Avance L3 System Tops 500th Installation

Gogo sees significant growth in installations of its Avance L3 systems in smaller aircraft despite the pandemic.

Gulfstream's G600 Enters European Market

Gulfstream handed over a G600 to an undisclosed customer in Europe about six months after it had received EASA approval.
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Bizav Groups Worldwide Unite in Illegal Charter Battle

Through the creation of a new Air Charter Safety Alliance, a dozen bizav organizations will work together to raise awareness of illegal charters.

Blade Goes Public to Raise Funds to Build eVTOL Urban Air Mobility Fleet

The helicopter operator is planning to expand its network and prepare for eVTOL aircraft operations as it goes public through acquisition by Experience Investment.
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With Products Refreshed, Bombardier To Focus on Mx

Eric Martel reiterated that the company is unlikely to introduce a new aircraft in the next five years but said it is well positioned with current lineup.

Blade To Go Public Through Experience Acquisition

The acquisition by Experience is anticipated to result in $400 million in gross proceeds that Blade will use to expand markets and increase infrastructure.

Argus: Bizav Ops Continue Declines in November

Business aviation operations were down 16.4 percent year-over-year in November, representing a flattening of recovery, according to Argus.