
News about significant aircraft accidents and information from accident reports.


Bizjet Accident Fatalities Drop in First Quarter

In spite of increased flying hours, fatalities from business jet accidents worldwide decreased in the first three months of 2021.

Alaska Heli-ski Hit Ridge and Tumbled in Fatal Crash

Sole survivor rescued six hours after helicopter's last satellite ping.

Accidents: April 2021

Preliminary and final accident reports, April 2021

Five Dead in Alaska Heli-ski Crash

The Airbus Helicopters AStar went down near the Knik Glacier near Palmer Saturday.

AINsight: Runway Excursions and Crosswind Takeoffs

A crosswind takeoff is a difficult maneuver that requires a lot of “rudder and stick” skills.

2020 Accident Rate Raises Questions about Covid’s Safety Effect

The number of airline accidents fell in 2020, but last year’s 1.17 per million flight rate of frequency exceeded the five-year average by 0.33 points.

NTSB Chair Pushes for More Helicopter IFR

In the wake of the Kobe Bryant crash report, NTSB chairman Robert Sumwalt is pressing for more IFR helicopter operations.
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Olivier Dassault Killed in Helicopter Accident

Dassault Aviation board member Olivier Dassault was the son of the company's former chairman and CEO Serge Dassault and grandson of founder Marcel Dassault
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Dassault Falcon 6X On Track for First Flight This Month

First flight of the Falcon 6X is on track to take place by the end of this month, with service entry expected in late 2022.
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Accidents: March 2021

Preliminary and final accident reports, March 2021

AINsight: Just Land

The crash that killed Kobe Bryant could have been avoided if the pilot just decided to land the helicopter instead of continuing the flight.

USHST Issues Guidelines To Combat Inadvertent IMC

The U.S. Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) has developed a list of recommended practices focusing on spatial disorientation.

'Fifty-Six Seconds To Live'

U.S. Helicopter Safety Team releases video on the perils of flying VFR into IMC.
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Sriwijaya Crash Report Points to Engine Thrust Imbalance

The left engine of the doomed Sriwijaya Air 737-500 lost thrust while the right thrust levers remained static before a 45 degree roll to the left.

NTSB: Bryant's Pilot Disregarded Training

Pilot, operator faulted by NTSB in Kobe Bryant helicopter crash.
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Wrong Engine Shutdown Triggers Helicopter Fatal

An Airbus BK117 C2 crashed after the pilot shut down the No. 1 engine after the No. 2 engine began to fail.

Accidents: February 2021

Preliminary and final accident reports, February 2021

EASA Clears Boeing 737 Max for Return to Service

Approval of the 737 Max by EASA follows clearance by U.S., Canadian, and Brazilian aviation authorities.

Drone Injures Helicopter Crewmember

Drone pierces windshield of Chilean Navy UH-57B, injuring front seat crewmember.
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Wrong Engine Shutdown Causes Global Express Fatal

A fatal crash of a USAF-operated Global Express was caused by the crew's error in identifying the failed powerplant and shutting down the operating engine.

NTSB: Winds Triggered 2018 Helitour Fatal

The NTSB has issued its final report on the 2018 Grand Canyon helitour crash.

Pilot To Be Sentenced after Drone Hits LAPD Helicopter

Andrew Rene Hernandez, 22, could receive up to one year in federal prison.

Irkut MC-21 Suffers Runway Overrun

MC-21-300 prototype 73051 ended a one-engine-out breaking test stuck in heavy snow.
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Aviation Groups Release Runway Excursion Reduction Plan

A broad set of recommendations were released January 12 to help preventing runway excursions, the top accident type for all aircraft.

Indonesian Air Safety In Spotlight Again After Crash

While authorities caution against speculation about the cause, the crash of Sriwijaya Flight 182 raises the specter of past accidents in Indonesia.

CVR, FDR Signals Detected from Doomed Sriwijaya Air 737

Authorities expect to find no survivors from the Boeing 737-500 that crashed into the Java Sea Saturday.
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Sriwijaya Air 737 Crashes into Java Sea with 62 Aboard

Jakarta ATC lost contact with a Boeing 737-500 carrying 62 people four minutes after takeoff on Saturday.
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U.S. Fatal Bizav Accidents Plummet 50% in 2020

Reduced flying in the year of the pandemic also saw significantly fewer fatal accidents involving U.S.-registered business jet and turboprops.

Malaysia Suspends Heli Operator's Training Certificate

The Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) has suspended the training certificate of My Heli Club following its second crash in less than two months.
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Airline Accident Fatalities Up in 2020 Despite Pandemic

Dutch consultancy To70 warns of safety complacency as airlines increase operations in 2021.