News, issues, personnel, equipment and developments about air traffic management.


ADS-B Traffic and Weather Services Make East Coast Debut

Pilots flying with ADS-B (automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast) avionics are getting theopportunity to test the traffic and weather datalink service

Honeywell Calls for Closer U.S./EU Cooperation on ATM Modernization

Honeywell is calling for greater cooperationbetween the U.S.

FAA ATC Staffing Plans Come Under Scrutiny

The DOT Office of Inspector General plans to begin an audit of the FAA’s initiatives to address ATC staffing levels on September 7.

Challenger 600 gets glass

In a first for an avionics installer, Duncan Aviation has certified and installed the Universal Avionics EFI-890R retrofit cockpit system in a customer Cha

With LAAS in limbo, FAA buys more ILSs

The FAA is expected to announce a major ILS contract award within the next 90 days, according to agency insiders.

Two Cities Provide RVSM Height Monitoring

Just two locations–Atlantic City, N.J., and Wichita–are in service to provide ground-based aircraft height monitoring to meet RVSM altitude-performance req

GAO, NATCA Spar over Privatized ATC

A Government Accountability Office study of five foreign air navigation service providers, including Nav Canada, found that since “commercialization,” all

MAC Recommends Tracon Consolidation

The FAA’s industry-government Management Advisory Council (MAC) is recommending that the agency take several steps to save money, including consolidating s

CBAA defends Nav Canada’s ATC user fees

As discussions about user fees in the U.S.

GA Leaders To Advise on Future ATC System

Leaders of several general aviation groups have been named to help the FAA Joint Planning and Development Office create a next generation air transportatio

DOT readies for more congestion and delays

With Transportation Department Inspector General Kenneth Mead predicting the busiest summer travel season in six years, the Senate aviation subcommittee ha

UK Pegs Majority of Bizav ATC Errors

New data by UK ATC provider NATS shows that business jets are more likely than others to be involved in certain types of safety incident.

Hangar Flying: SATS Progress Report

SATS, the small aircraft transportation system research program funded jointly by industry and government, concludes later this year, five years after it s

Inmarsat conference addresses future of in-flight communication

The six-ton I-4 communications satellite Inmarsat launched in late March has taken over satcom transmission routing responsibility from the previous I-3 sa

Inter-agency financing debate could delay progress on loran

They say that politics makes for strange bedfellows.

Collins’s Latest Satcom Makes Debut Aboard Global 5000

Rockwell Collins’s new SAT-6100 satellite communication system made its world debut aboard the Bombardier Global 5000 at the Paris Air Show last month.

FAA DecommissionsMore than 200 NDB Approaches

In a cost-cutting move, the FAA last month decommissioned 216 NDB approaches across the U.S.

FAA Tests New Type of TrafficCollision Alerting System

The FAA has completed the first round of flight testing of a unique traffic collision avoidance system that combines automatic dependent surveillance-broad

DFW Tracon Bosses Covered ATC Errors

The Inspector General (IG) of the Transportation Department has found that managers at the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) Tracon systematically covered up operati

Radar Staffing Change Won’t Affect Safety

The FAA plans to halt around-the-clock technical staffing of the Pico del Este long-range radar in Puerto Rico.

FAA implements ATOP system in New York area

A new oceanic ATC system that will eventually allow controllers to reduce separation minimums over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans has gone fully operation

FAA plans for airspace transformation by 2025

Where will aviation be in 20 years? What will the traffic mix look like in 2025? How many airplanes, how many passengers, how many airports, how many runwa

NGATS Institute selects leader

The Next Generation Air Transportation System (NGATS) Institute, which will work with the FAA’s Joint Planning and Development Office (JDPO) to design and

A New Look for the National Airspace System?

In the ongoing debate about what the next generation air transportation system (NGATS) should entail, the Air Traffic Control Association held a symposium

FAA, controllers’ union face off at NY Tracon

The FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association are at loggerheads over an FAA report describing staffing levels, scheduling abnormalities, ex

Rnav advisory circular brings headaches

The FAA’s grandiose agenda to streamline operations in congested U.S.

China Asks FAA for Helpwith RVSM Implementation

Now that much of the world has applied reduced vertical separation minimums (RVSM) standards in the upper flight levels, it was only a matter of time befor

Controllers might need more training

While most speakers discussed current training issues and new learning concepts at the Air Traffic Control Association’s recent “ATC Training for the Futur

‘Commercialized’ ATC Would Hike Fees for GA

A “commercialized” ATC system in the U.S.

Chances on tap for Class B airspace

A supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking modifies previously proposed (Nov.