Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Issues regarding financing of aircraft; aviation insurance; tax issues for aircraft operators; new companies and people in the aviation financing and insurance industries.

Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Fuel Taxes and a Fair Share: What Should GA Pay for FAA Funding?

Airlines say general aviation should pay more toward the cost of the U.S. ATC system
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USAIG Gives Discounts for Bizav Operators with Certain Safety Programs

Through Performance Vector Plus, USAIG customers can earn 15 percent in new discounts when they meet any of three safety standards during a policy year while also avoiding loss claims.
Charter & Fractional

VLJs Rebound in Europe

Finance, Taxes, Insurance

AOPA Launches New Finance Brokerage

Finance, Taxes, Insurance

AIN 2013 Business Aviation Insurance

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Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Acquisition Advisory Service Launched