Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Issues regarding financing of aircraft; aviation insurance; tax issues for aircraft operators; new companies and people in the aviation financing and insurance industries.

Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Russia may repeal bizjet import taxes

Currently, 30 dedicated Russian business aviation companies operate about 50 business jets, mostly converted Tupolev Tu-134s, Yakovlev Yak-40s and Yak-42s

Cessna fuel card promises savings

Cessna Aircraft chairman and CEO Russ Meyer (right) and Avfuel Corp.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Global Aerospace To Offer Insurance for Eclipse 500

Eclipse Aviation announced that it will partner with underwriter Global Aerospace Underwriters to provide hull and liability insurance to owners of owner-f
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Insurance rates continue to soar

Following last September 11, aircraft owners and operators began bracing for massive hikes in insurance coverage and changes in the limits of that coverage
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Life insurance for pilots: it’s time to review policies

If aviation insurance news has been mostly bad since September 11, there is still one small bright spot in the industry.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Global to offer insurance for Eclipse 500

Insurance underwriter Global Aerospace will partner with Eclipse Aviation, manufacturer of the Eclipse 500 personal jet, to provide hull and liability insu
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Travelers’ Offers Program for Corporate Fliers

Travelers’ aviation unit last month introduced a new workers compensation insurance program for corporate flight departments.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

FAA nets small increase in 2003 budget funding

The President’s Budget of the United States has usually been delivered by the Government Printing Office to Congress bound in a sober, solid navy.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

The 2003 Budget: From the Outside Looking In

The 2003 Budget in Brief is, as the title implies, brief, but its complexity still leads the aviation alphabet groups to cherrypick for comment, while news
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Conklin & de Decker Offers 2008 Tax Guide

Conklin & de Decker last month released the 2008 State Tax Guide for General Aviation.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

USAIG marks milestones as underwriter and bizav operator

July 1 is the 75th anniversary of United States Aviation Insurance Group, better known as USAIG.
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European airspace users may have to beef up their insurance

All aircraft using European airspace are facing the prospect of having to carry minimum levels of third-party liability insurance.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Terrorism risk insurance now available

Barely into the new year, aircraft owners and operators are opening letters from their insurance companies offering additional coverage for acts of terrori
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Insurance losses down

According to London-based insurance adjuster Airclaims, from an insurer’s point of view 2002 was a fairly “benign” year, with hull and liability losses of
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Bank of America Adds Preferred Provider

Long Island-based jet charter and management company ExcelAire has been selected to join Executive Jet Management, Jet Aviation and Jet Direct as a partner
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Travelers Expands Corporate Flight Coverage

Atlanta-based Travelers Aviation announced last month that it will expand its corporate flight coverage to include hull and liability insurance for Part 13
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Depreciation benefit bill clears all hurdles

Both houses of Congress passed a bill that extends until December 31 next year the “placed-in-service” deadline for business aircraft purchased on or befor
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Tax law tightens deduction rules

When President Bush last month signed a tax law that extends the “placed-in-service” deadline to the end of next year for new aircraft buyers to qualify fo
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Travelers Expanding Bizav Insurance Coverage

Travelers’ Atlanta-based aviation division yesterday announced that it will be expanding its corporate flight coverage to include hull and liability insura
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Aviation Finance

What a difference a year makes.

In AIN’s annual report on aviation finance last year (October 2006, page 38), lenders expected 200

Real-estate developer plans to resurrect vantage

Matt Eller, an Ames, Iowa real-estate developer, acquired the intellectual property of bankrupt VisionAire on October 2 for $441,000 and, under company nam
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Insurance rates to stabilize as availability shrinks

Corporate aviation operators at all levels received good and bad news from insurance representatives at the 26th annual Aviation Insurance Association conf
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GECAS’ RJ ultimatum backs pilots into corner

GE Capital Aviation Services has amplified threats to withdraw its regional jet financing deals with US Airways if pilots do not accept a revised letter of
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Insurance rates flatten, though only for some

Insurance premiums for professionally flown corporate aircraft have decreased slightly off their peaks of last year, but charter and helicopter operators a
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

As economy picks up, so too will aviation financing rates

Unlike insurance rates, which are decreasing slightly or at least stabilizing, aviation financing rates have apparently bottomed out and were on the rise l
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

FAA, IRS don’t regulate in the same language

“The FAA, and the IRS…they really don’t think alike,” began tax attorney Gary Garofalo, first speaker at the NBAA Federal Aviation Tax Forum in Arlington,
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Center Capital Enters Aircraft Financing

Webster Bank’s Center Capital of Waterbury, Conn., has formed a general aviation finance division headquartered in Dallas.
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Life insurance for bizav pilots: separating fact from fiction

In a world of uncertainty, life insurance remains a priority for many business aviation pilots.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Software steers clients through complex decision-making straits

The process for deciding whether or how to buy a business aircraft is fraught with seemingly incalculable factors and subjective considerations.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

AIA Conference

This year’s Aviation Insurance Association (AIA) conference, held from April 28 to May 1 in Palm Springs, Calif., convened in the atmosphere of an aircraft