Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

NBAA Warns of FAA Enforcement for PRD Noncompliance

The FAA this month released a notice providing guidance for inspections and enforcement for compliance with pilot records database requirements.
Two pilots in flight deck
Regulations and Government

Nav Canada Adding Aviation Weather Information Resource

A new aviation weather resource from Nav Canada aims to merge operational and meteorological information.
Weather radar

GAO: Govt Should Monitor SAF Grand Challenge Progress

The GAO says government departments should develop performance measures for reaching sustainable aviation fuel goals.
Flasks of SAF in lab

Philippine Senate Calls for Legislative Changes after ATC Outage

Legislators have adopted findings and recommendations stemming from a committee probe into Manila’s January 1 air traffic control (ATC) power outage.
Senator Grace Poe
Regulations and Government

CBAA To Offer Alternate Way to Meet New Fatigue Rules

New pilot fatigue risk management system regulations do not work for unscheduled commercial operations, according to the Canadian bizav group.
pilots in flight deck at night illuminated by electronic avionics
Regulations and Government

Lawmakers Aim To Make Aviation Programs Eligible for 529 Plans

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced a bill to make commercial pilot and aircraft maintenance schools eligible for 529 plans.
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Finance, Taxes, Insurance

AIAC Refutes Government Report on Canada’s Luxury Tax

The Aerospace Industries Association of Canada claims a government report underestimates the negative effects the new luxury tax will have on aviation.
Pratt & Whitney Canada manufacturing line
Regulations and Government

Bizav Advocates Call on Operators To Ready for New EU Entry Requirements

The EU is transitioning this year to electronic passenger entry requirements, and bizav groups caution that operators should begin to prepare for them.
Passport stamp and passports on desk

Vero Beach FBO To Add U.S. Customs Facility

Corporate Air, an FBO at Florida's Vero Beach Regional Airport, will break ground on a dedicated U.S. Customs facility.
Artist rendering of the coming U.S. Customs facility at KVRB.
Regulations and Government

Phil Washington Withdraws from FAA Administrator Consideration

Phil Washington, whose nomination as FAA administrator faced a barrage of Republican opposition, withdrew his name for consideration for the post.
Phil Washington

Boeing 737 Max AD Sheds Light on Factory Errors

Improper torquing of fasteners by Boeing factory mechanics in Max jets’ engine anti-ice exhaust ducts results in FAA airworthiness directive.
Boeing 737 Max line in Renton, Washington
Regulations and Government

NBAA Roundtable Advocates for AAM in FAA Reauthorization

NBAA's Advanced Air Mobility Roundtable marks legislative progress and continuing goals for 2023.
Regulations and Government

EASA Staff Flies Leonardo AW609 Tiltrotor

EASA and FAA staff have flown the Leonardo AW609 civil tiltrotor in run-up to formal type inspection test flights.
Leonardo AW609 tiltrotor aircraft in flight

ICAO Adopts Multi-constellation Standards for GNSS

The International Civil Aviation Organization considers the rollout of new dual-frequency multi-constellation standards a ‘major milestone’.
Satellite in orbit above the Earth
Regulations and Government

FAA Aviation Safety Alert Is a ‘Call for Action’

Several recent near-collisions of aircraft operating in the airport environment prompted the FAA to issue a safety alerts for operators.
rendering of near-miss between Delta1943 and American106
Regulations and Government

NTSB's Graham: Scalable SMS a Must for Smaller Aircraft Ops

NTSB member Michael Graham stressed the importance that all small Part 135 operators adopt SMS, but said the program must be scalable.
NTSB member Michael Graham at ACSF 2023

NTSB: Spatial Disorientation Caused Fatal Citation Crash

According to the NTSB, pilot spacial disorientation caused the May 2021 fatal crash of a Cessna Citation 501 near Smyrna, Tennessee.
Radar plot of N66BK on May 29, 2021
Regulations and Government

Senate Commerce OKs Notam Improvement Bill

A Senate panel passed a bill that would set a Sept. 30, 2024 deadline for notam system upgrades and call for a task force report on improvements.
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Regulations and Government

Commerce Committee Delays Vote on Washington Nom for FAA

Senate Commerce Chair Maria Cantwell promised "we will have this debate" as the committee decided to delay a vote on the Washington nomination.
(Photo: Pixabay)

Fatal King Air Crash Occurred as Wx Rapidly Worsened

The pilot of the Beechcraft King Air 350 that crashed on climout from Little Rock airport received three low-level wind shear advisories before departure.
Weather radar map depicting accident location and weather at time of aircraft crash

Ryanair Decries Continuing French ATC Strikes

Europe’s largest low-cost airline launched a petition calling for the European Commission to allow overflights when French controllers stage a strike.
Ryanair director of operations Neal McMahon (left) and CEO Eddie Wilson hold signs calling for customers to sign a petition to allow for French overflights while air traffic controllers in the country stage strikes.
Regulations and Government

FAA To Require 25-hour Cockpit Voice Recorders

Following a rebuke from NTSB chair Jennifer Homendy, the FAA moves to establish rulemaking committee for 25-hour CVR capacity.
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Regulations and Government

Senate Commerce Eyes Aviation Workforce Initiatives

Senate Commerce Committee Eyes means to boost the aviation workforce as it crafts an FAA reauthorization bill.
Aerial view of U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

Communications Lost Soon after Ill-fated PC-12 Departed

An NTSB preliminary report says the crew of the Pilatus PC-12 that broke up in flight on February 24 made their last radio call 8 minutes after takeoff.
Flight track of the Guardian Flight air ambulance Pilatus PC-12 that broke up in flight near Stagecoach, Nevada, on February 24

Report Highlights Need for Crosswind Training in Globals

A UK AAIB report on a wingtip-strike incident involving a Global 6000 in gusty conditions highlights the need for more crosswind training in the type.
Redacted CCTV image of LX-NST wing contacting the ground
Regulations and Government

Canada TSB Urges Updates to Medical Examiner Guidelines

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada is again recommending that Transport Canada improve the civil aviation medical examiners’ guidelines.
TBM-3E fire-fighting airplane

DOT IG Initiates Another Audit of FAA NextGen Program

The DOT Office of Inspector General has initiated another audit of the FAA's NextGen airspace modernization program.
AIN Logo

NATA Responds to AOPA Ramp Proposal

NATA looks to counter a legistlative proposal from AOPA and others calling for the establishment of GA ramps at public use airports.
Cirrus SR20 on ramp Hawthorne Airport (Photo: Matt Thurber/AIN)

EASA Warns of Increase in GPS Signal Outages

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency is warning operators of an increase in jamming or spoofing of global navigation satellite systems, including GPS.
iFly GPS
Regulations and Government

Lawmakers Stress Support for Investing in General Aviation

House aviation subcommittee chair Garret Graves calls for improving general aviation investments while T&I chair Sam Graves seeks more advocacy.
U.S. Capitol building