Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

Comments Due on Definition of Known Icing

Comments are due today on an FAA draft letter of interpretation released April 3 on the meaning of the term “known icing conditions.” At press time, 82 com
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No consensus yet on Grand Canyon ‘natural quiet’

In August 1987 the National Parks Overflight Act (NPOA) mandated that the FAA and National Parks Service (NPS) work together to achieve “substantial restor
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NextGen ATC Lacks ‘Urgency’

Aerospace Industries Association president and CEO John Douglass warned Congress that government agencies must redouble efforts to develop the nation’s nex
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Group Seeks Ban on Noisy Bizjets

A group of airports, local governments and residents asked Congress to order the complete phase-out of all Stage 1 and Stage 2 aircraft in the new FAA reau
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Congressional Observer: May 2007

• At the end of March, lawmakers took a spring break that ended in mid-April, leaving in a holding pattern approval of House and Senate supplemental emerge
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FAA Proposes Icing Detection System

The FAA issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) last week that, if enacted, would require manufacturers of newly certified transport-category aircraf
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Business aviation and the environment: Business aviation ponders its impact on the environment–and the public perception of that impact

Business aircraft manufacturers and operators had better tackle their environmental image sooner rather than later.
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FAA Proposes Longer Duration for Medicals

Comments are due June 11 on a proposal from the FAA to increase the duration of first-class and third-class medicals for airmen under the age of 40.
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FAA Might Redefine Known Icing

In an unusual policy step, the FAA sought comments last month on a draft letter of interpretation regarding the meaning of the term “known icing conditions
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Business aviation and the environment: Aviation and climate change: emissions trading plan meets resistance

Europe’s primary weapon against global warming is the Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS), a program rooted in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.

Eurocontrol ATM plans to address emissions

New air traffic management plans are one means by which nations can reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
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Legislator wants investigation into pilot medicals

The chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has called for a hearing later this spring on falsified medical certificates after th
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RAA 2007 special section: Cohen front and center at FAA funding debate

The Regional Airline Association opens the next chapter in its 32-year history this year as new association president Roger Cohen presides over his first R
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FAA Redefines Precipitation Terms

The FAA released official guidance last month regarding ATC’s ability to define and describe precipitation to pilots, including the terms controllers will
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NTSB Marks Major Milestone

On April 1, the NTSB celebrated its 40th anniversary.
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Airline pilots bring age-60 fight to court

Three pilots for US Airways have filed a lawsuit in the U.S.

FAA mulls Washington ADIZ change

While legislation that would direct the Transportation Security Administration to study the vulnerability of general aviation airports to terrorist acts is
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New ICAO procedures should widen IFR ops

The obstacle clearance panel (OCP), a group of experts in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), is designing more suitable IFR procedures f
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FAA Puts Final ATOP in Place

Aircraft flying over the Arctic Ocean can take more direct routes, save fuel and maintain schedules with activation of the FAA’s final Advanced Technologie
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Airlines take user-fee debate to the media

Like two punch-drunk prizefighters locked in a clinch, general aviation and the airlines continue to rain body blows on each other over the pending FAA rea
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Battle heats up in Washington over proposed changes to FAA funding

FAA Administrator Marion Blakey continued her pitch for a new revenue stream for her agency during a speech at the U.S.
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NBAA: Everyone ‘Must Write Their Congressmen’

NBAA president and CEO Ed Bolen said this morning at a regional forum in White Plains, N.Y., that the airlines are being given a “sweetheart deal” and the
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GA Slams FAA ‘Fact Sheet’ as Not Factual

A recently posted FAA Fact Sheet aimed at curbing the alleged myths about the agency’s funding proposal has been strongly criticized by a coalition of gene
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Bizav Leaders Urge EU To Withdraw Insurance Regulation

European Union (EU) Regulation 785/2004, which went into effect April 30 and requires minimum aircraft insurance levels for war risk and third-party liabil
Regulations and Government

IRS To Publish Notice on Personal Use of Business Aircraft

On Monday (June 13), the Internal Revenue Service is scheduled to officially publish IRS Notice 2005-45, Deductions for Entertainment Use of Business Aircr

More Bizav Airport Authorities Consider Stage 2 Ban

In a bid to cut traffic at Teterboro Airport, N.J., airport operator The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is proposing a four-pronged assault that
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FAA, ATC Union Face Off on Contract Negotiations

Taking a tough line before next week’s opening of contract negotiations with the air traffic controllers union, the FAA said yesterday that “fundamental ch
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Final Decision on FLIP Expected In Fall

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) officially closed its public comment period regarding the proposal to remove from public sale and distrib
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Britain Weighs Ban Against Basing Non-UK Aircraft

The days might soon be over for the basing of non-UK-registered general aviation aircraft in the UK.
Regulations and Government

Stage 4 Noise Standards To Take Effect in 2006

All jet and transport-category airplanes (those with an mtow of 12,500 pounds or more) for which application of a new type design is submitted on or after