Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

Repair station drug-testing obligations clarified

Under new FAA anti-drug and alcohol-misuse regulations, repair stations are responsible only for their own compliance, and not the compliance of their cont
Charter & Fractional

Canadian operator gets certificate reinstated

Transport Canada found no violations of Federal Aviation Regulations during a special-purpose audit of Georgian Express, and on January 27 returned the ope

Little Rock noise-compatibility program in review

The FAA is reviewing an FAR Part 150 noise-compatibility proposal for Little Rock National Airport, Ark., and expects to approve or disapprove the plan no
Regulations and Government

Turboprops caught in noise rule

New designs for small business turboprop singles could be included in proposed changes to FAR Part 36 noise-certification rules.
Regulations and Government

Simulator proposal reopened for comments

The comment window has been reopened until March 11 on the FAA’s proposal to revise the technical and operational requirements for simulators and flight-tr
Regulations and Government

Very light jets prompt FAA to propose F&R testing

The advent of very light jets has prompted an FAA proposal to require that all new certification projects for turbofan-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds or
Regulations and Government

‘Sunset’ rule stymied early aerial assault on Cedar Fire

A rule requiring firefighting aircraft to land a half-hour before sunset may have allowed a controllable blaze to become a huge, deadly conflagration.
Regulations and Government

House to discuss DCA access for GA

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA), which has been closed to general aviation traffic since 9/11, will be the subject of a hearing by the Hous
Regulations and Government

Will F&E budget cuts affect ATC upgrades?

The Bush Administration alarmed a number of people early last month when it proposed cutting the FAA’s facilities and equipment (F&E) funding by nearly $40
Regulations and Government

E3 process eases a/c registration in Europe

Europe’s new E3 aircraft registration process is making it easier to transfer aircraft to the national registers of member states of the new European Aviat
Regulations and Government

FAA plans to overhaul organizational designees

The FAA in January issued a proposal to replace the current designee program for organizations with a new one that expands the functions that designees can

Cessna preparing ACAS and Mode-S service bulletins

Citation operators this summer can expect to receive Service Bulletins to address European TCAS/ ACAS and upgraded mode-S transponder requirements going in
Regulations and Government

Type ratings for both pilots required under ICAO rules

To borrow the term “caveat emptor” (Latin for “let the buyer beware”) and mangle it only a bit, flight crews of aircraft that require two pilots should be

European ‘single sky’ plan gains momentum

Launched in 1999 by European Commission vice president Loyola de Palacio, the move to create a single European sky (SES) for air traffic management and con
Regulations and Government

California shuts tax law loophole

California has amended its aircraft sales and use tax law, essentially closing a loophole that allowed buyers of aircraft and other big-ticket items to esc
Regulations and Government

Survey: most pilots oppose age regulation

Sixty-three percent of the more than 300 pilots responding to a survey on the NBAA Web site said there should be no maximum pilot age limit for operating t
Charter & Fractional

IBAC to propose int’l frax regs

When the ICAO Assembly meets in Montreal late this month, the International Business Aircraft Council (IBAC) will propose standardization of international
Regulations and Government

FAA Makes Its Case for User Fees

“The greatest flaw in the current system is the corporate jet versus the airline,” said FAA Administrator Marion Blakey.
Regulations and Government

FAA Reauthorization Bill Sent to Congress

With a disclaimer that the move does not indicate endorsement, Democratic and Republican leaders of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructur
Regulations and Government

FAA revises rules for campaign travel

The FAA has revised FAR Part 91.321 to clarify that private aircraft operators can transport candidates on campaign travel for state and local elective off
Regulations and Government

Congressioanl Observer March 2005

In his State of the Union message to Congress, President Bush laid out the broad and ambitious objectives and goals the administration hopes to achieve dur

Europe’s mode-S mandate creates confusion

A European mandate calling for mode-S transponder upgrades in transport-category airplanes is causing confusion for some U.S.
Regulations and Government

NTSB Takes Issue with New Helo Flotation Rules

It took the FAA more than three years to finalize its rules affecting the commercial air-tour industry and only 14 days after their publication for the NTS
Regulations and Government

FAA ready to change reviled age-60 rule

After a decades-long battle, the FAA capitulated to the court of international opinion in late January, announcing that it will propose a new rule to permi
Regulations and Government

New Taxi into Position and Hold Guidance

New taxi into position and hold (TIPH) guidance for pilots became effective February 5.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: March 2007

• After the November elections, House Democrats vowed to pass the “Six for ’06” bills (minimum wages, stem cell research, energy and so on) in the first 10
Regulations and Government

Revised Air-taxi Security Rules Issued

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has released a revised Twelve-Five Standard Security Program (TFSSP), effective March 12.
Regulations and Government

SIC Pilot Type Rating Notice Issued

New FAA Notice N8000.351 provides procedures on how to complete the application for second-in-command (SIC) pilot type ratings.
Regulations and Government

Watch for AD on Caravan Airspeed System

Comments are due March 5 on an FAA proposal to require a low-airspeed awareness system on Cessna 208 and 208B Caravans.
Regulations and Government

Boeing Gets FDR Comment Period Extended

Responding to a request from Boeing, the FAA has extended the comment deadline from February 13 to April 16 on its proposal amending digital flight data re