Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

Expect Customs Diversions during ‘High’ Alerts

Some international business jet flights bound for three New York-area satellite airports were diverted to Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) to cle
Regulations and Government

Comment Period Extended on Proposed Air-tour Changes

Interested parties will have more time to comment on the FAA’s proposal to require all air-tour operators to be certified under air carrier regulations.
Regulations and Government

New Service Difficulty Reporting Rules Delayed Again

Revisions to the service difficulty reporting (SDR) requirements in FAR Parts 121, 135 and 145 (air carriers and repair stations) set to have gone into eff

Agencies Fault Seat-belt Buckles and Attachments

Thousands of seat-belt buckles and attachments installed in airliners and corporate jets are the subject of two separate recommendations.
Regulations and Government

Changes Made to Candidate-transportation Rules

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) last month adopted proposed changes to its rules governing the legal rates and timing of travel payments by political
Regulations and Government

ETOPS Proposal Deadline Pushed to March 15

As the result of requests to extend the deadline for comments on the FAA’s proposal to establish regulations governing flights that go beyond certain dista

Operators Must Replace Certain Fire Extinguishers

Kidde portable fire extinguishers that have been determined to be faulty must be replaced in some 39,000 aircraft, according to a recent AD.

NTSB Calls for Cockpit Image Recorders

The NTSB, which has long called for the FAA to require cockpit voice recorders on smaller turbine airplanes, is now calling for the installation of so-call
Regulations and Government

FAA Told Not To Weaken on Grant Enforcement

AOPA supports proposed changes to streamline the process of awarding airport improvement program grant assurances, but also told the FAA that it must “main
Regulations and Government

Alcohol and Drug Testing Rates To Remain Unchanged

The minimum percentage rate for substance-abuse testing for next year will remain at 25 percent of covered aviation employees for random drug testing and 1
Regulations and Government

AIA: White House needs to boost aerospace infrastructure

Last year’s slump in commercial aircraft sales and employment was not as sharp as predicted and not nearly as deep as the industry experienced 10 years ago

Public-private co-op could lower AFSS costs

Members of the National Association of Air Traffic Specialists (NAATS), the labor union that represents more than 2,700 FAA employees who staff the agency’
Regulations and Government

Complex STC proposal might have wide effect

The FAA is proposing a “Policy for Complex Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) 1” that will change FAR 21.31 (type design) and 21.53 (statement of conform
Regulations and Government

FAA: expect no new regs from crashes

A meeting late last month between the FAA’s top regulatory officials and business aviation interests will likely result in renewed emphasis on new and exis
Regulations and Government

Tyler execs plead guilty to money laundering

Two top executives of Tyler Jet L.L.C.
Regulations and Government

Get well soon

On March 22 comments are due on draft AC 145-RSTP (Repair Station Training Program).
Regulations and Government

Proposed FAA budget slashes agency funding

Last year, the Bush Administration unveiled its proposed “next generation air transportation system” and then cut the FAA’s facilities and equipment (F&E)
Regulations and Government

As major U.S. carriers suffer, so too does the FAA's budget

by John Sheridan
Last month, FAA COO Russell Chew told a standing-room-only audience at the annual conference of the U.S.
Regulations and Government

New Guidelines for Preflight CVR Testing

The FAA recently issued revised guidance for daily preflight checks of cockpit voice recorders to ensure that the system is functioning properly.
Regulations and Government

Rule Would Ease Foreign Aircraft Ops

A proposed rule would allow non-commercial operations of U.S.-registered aircraft owned by a company not considered a U.S.

NTSB Wants Flight-check Failure Limits

The NTSB has asked the FAA to limit the number of times a pilot can fail a checkride and questioned whether the existing requirements of providing addition

Eurocontrol postpones deadline for ELS mode-S implementation

Europe’s ambitious program to introduce mode-S surveillance datalink technology has once again been rescheduled to account for operational and technical di

Will ADS-B be the next big FAA equipment mandate?

When the idea was initially being explored a number of years ago, FAA planners saw a use for automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) only in Ala
Regulations and Government

Taiwan to lift ownership Ban

Taiwan’s government is expected to lift a long-standing prohibition of private aircraft ownership in the first quarter of next year.

Comments due on JAC’S noise program

The FAA plans to rule on the noise-compatibility program proposed for Wyoming’s Jackson Hole Airport (JAC) by May 17.
Regulations and Government

Unpopular ski-country STMP now in effect

Pilots flying into Colorado’s ski-country airports are already aware of the controversial special traffic-management program (STMP) for filing for slots in
Regulations and Government

JOBS Act limits corporate deductions

While general aviation interests hailed the tax law that extended the deadline for the 50-percent accelerated bonus-depreciation allowance for business air
Regulations and Government

FAA proposes SIC pilot type rating

Pilots serving as second-in-command (SIC) would be eligible to apply for an SIC type rating without any additional training required, under an FAA notice o
Regulations and Government

GAO Criticizes FAA Designee Oversight Efforts

Inconsistent and incomplete FAA oversight of its designee programs limits the agency’s ability to ensure designees perform their work according to federal