Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

FAA issues proposed guidelines for private spaceflight regulation

A relaxed regulatory environment and increasing development in the fledgling space tourism industry may lead to opportunities for privately owned passenger
Regulations and Government

FAA’s Stage 4 rules will take effect in Jan. 2006

All subsonic jet and transport-category airplanes (those with an mtow of 12,500 pounds or more) for which application of a new type design is submitted on

Comments due on Minneapolis Class B

Comments are due by January 23 on a proposal to increase the size of the Minneapolis Class B airspace, namely expanding its upper limit to 10,000 feet msl.
Regulations and Government

FAA might grant exemptions to ELT mandate

While it’s unlikely the FAA will push back this month’s deadline for the installation of ELTs in virtually all corporate jets, the agency might allow opera

ATC’s playbook for Super Bowl game

A Super Bowl Special Traffic Management Program (STMP) for the Houston area will be in effect January 28 through February 3, requiring all non-airline oper

TSA eases international waiver process

The Transportation Security Administration is allowing operators to increase progressively the time for which international waivers are valid.
Regulations and Government

GAO report urges better FAA oversight of designees

While generally praising the FAA’s system of designated examiners and representatives, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report said that the agency
Regulations and Government

FAA Proposes ‘Complex’ STC Approval Policy

A new term might soon join the lexicon of the FAA–“Complex STC.” According to the FAA, there have been STC-approved installations that have been “inappropr

Meetings Set on Revising LAX Class B Airspace

The FAA has scheduled several “fact finding” informal meetings to solicit information from operators and others concerning proposed revisions to Los Angele
Regulations and Government

European Union’s common flight-time limits draw pilot ire

Last month the European Union (EU) Council of Transport Ministers and the European Parliament finally agreed on new common flight time limitations (FTL) fo
Regulations and Government

Bonus Depreciation Temporary Guidelines Issued

The IRS has issued temporary guidelines on the bonus depreciation option.
Regulations and Government

With stroke of a pen, EASA issues 1st type certificate

The newly formed European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued its first-ever type certificate on December 11 in Brussels, Belgium.
Regulations and Government

EASA To Roost in Cologne, Germany

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is to be headquartered in Cologne, Germany.
Regulations and Government

Cabinet changes in the cards

As anticipated, there have been numerous changes in the makeup of President Bush’s cabinet.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: January 2005

Having missed the October 1 deadline for funding nine of the 13 government agencies that had been neglected, a lame-duck Congress made up for that lack of

Intelligence act tightens corporate aviation security

With passage of the National Intelligence Reform Act of 2004, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will be required to check the names of poten
Regulations and Government

NTSB: Lowest Number of ‘Open’ Recommendations

For the first time since 1975, the number of safety recommendations classified as “open” has dipped below 1,000, the NTSB said last month.

RVSM rules take effect in North America

Whether pilots notice any difference remains open to debate, but anyone cruising in the upper flight levels over North America should at least be aware tha
Regulations and Government

Comments Due on ETOPS Proposal

January 13 is the closing date for comments on the FAA’s proposal to establish rules covering extended twin-engine operations (ETOPS) applicable to Part 12
Regulations and Government

Alcohol, Drug Testing Rates Remain Unchanged

The FAA determined that the minimum percentage rate for substance-abuse testing this year will remain at 25 percent of covered aviation employees for rando
Regulations and Government

Aging Aircraft Airworthiness Rules Now in Effect

New interim final rules on a controversial aging-aircraft-inspection program for multi-engine airliners operating under Parts 121, 129 and 135 took effect
Regulations and Government

Devil’s in the details of FAA reauthorization

H.R.2115, the House of Representatives’ “Vision 100–Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act.”
Regulations and Government

Bills submitted to up age-60 rule to 65

Regulations and Government

New Part 145 takes effect this month

Attention repair station operators! You now have less than a month to ensure compliance with the new Part 145, and the Aeronautical Repair Station Associat
Regulations and Government

DOT Seeks Comments on Air-taxi Disclosure Rules

In an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) published today, the DOT is seeking input from interested parties on a 2006 NTSB recommendation calling
Regulations and Government

Public Being Asked To Comment on Numerous Issues

The DOT in its advance NPRM asks the public to comment on the following questions:

(1) How might customers and passengers benefit from the infor

Blakey ‘not amused’ by LAAS debacle

LAAS developer Honeywell and FAA LAAS program officials remain tight lipped about how the contract, awarded in April on the understanding that the system’s
Regulations and Government

EASA moves into new German headquarters

Relocated from temporary offices in Brussels to a new building across the Rhine in the city of Cologne, Germany, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

Papua New Guinea court convicts crew for illegal landing

A court in Papua New Guinea (PNG) convicted Australian pilots Andrew Reid and Peter McGee of making an illegal landing in a Cessna Citation II at the disus
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: February 2007

The 110th Congress opened for business on January 4, with the Democrats in control of the Senate and the House of Representatives.