Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

The aircraft certification process

You are sitting in a diner, sipping your fourth cup of coffee, solving aviation’s problems with an old friend, when the idea comes to you in a caffeinated
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Regulations and Government

Control issues: 25 years after the Patco strike

In the late 1970s, Continental Airlines president Frank Lorenzo used a court of law to confront his pilots with an existing, although seldom used, negotiat
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GAO: NTSB Must Get Academy in the Black

In response to a congressional inquiry, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has determined that the NTSB Training Center near Washington Dulles Inte
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Familiar Faces Take Aviation Posts

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Aerospace Worker Shortage Addressed

In one of its last acts before the 109th Congress ended last month, the Senate approved a House-passed bill that creates a federal Interagency Aerospace Re
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Congressional Observer: January 2007

• Congress took a three-week break on November 16 to allow lawmakers to ponder the results of the election.
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AOPA Sues N.Y. Over Background Check Law

AOPA and seven New York flight schools filed a lawsuit in federal court, challenging the constitutionality of the state law requiring criminal background c
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UK Defers Action on Foreign-registered Aircraft

Britain’s Department for Transport (DfT) has decided not to act unilaterally to impose new restrictions on UK-based aircraft that are registered overseas.
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Repair Station Quality Rules Proposed

Nine months later than planned, the FAA issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for repair stations that would revise the system of ratings and requi
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Age 60 Panel Issues a Split Decision

In what many observers predicted, the FAA/Industry Age 60 Aviation Rulemaking Committee was unable to reach consensus on whether to raise the mandatory ret
Regulations and Government

Approach Limits Raised in Canada

Responding to recommendations from Canada’s Transportation Safety Board after at least two low-visibility landing accidents, Transport Canada increased the

Will ’Voluntary’ Efforts by TEB Users Be Enough?

Six weeks after the Teterboro Airport Industry Working Group, a cooperative effort between airport users and neighboring residents, reached agreement on se
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NATA Warns about Fuel Pump Requirement

The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) warned its members of a new requirement imposed by the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries
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Brazilian ATC Chief Replaced

In the wake of the September 29 midair in Brazil between an Embraer Legacy 600 and a Gol Airlines 737 and the subsequent disruptions in ATC services that h
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New Passport Requirements Start in January

Beginning January 23 all U.S.
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Imported Fruit and Vegetable Inspections Delayed

The effective date has been delayed to March 1 for the Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (Aphis) interim rule that eli
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DOT IG Responds to ATC Outages in California

In a November 7 response to a request by Sen.
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Proposal Aims To Improve DFDR Information

The FAA is proposing to amend the digital flight data recorder (DFDR) regulations of Parts 121 and 135 to prohibit filtering of original parameter sensor s
Regulations and Government

Crash Report Clarifies Canada Caravan Ops

Canada’s Transportation Safety Board (TSB) released the final report on the fatal icing-related crash of a Cessna 208 Caravan on Oct.
Regulations and Government

Security rules tighter for some European operations

Business aviation, long a bastion from the sometimes unfathomable airline security rules, is now facing similar regulations in some European Union countrie
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FAA Safety Office Gets ISO 9001

The FAA’s office of aviation safety has been recognized as the first federal agency to achieve certification to the International Organization for Standard
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Congressional Observer: December 2006

• Election Day results delivered a knockout blow to Republican hopes of retaining the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate.
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New ICAO retirement age fuels debate about U.S. rule

The FAA aviation rulemaking committee (ARC) on the age-60 retirement issue had not completed its work at press time, but the new International Civil Aviati
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Comment Window To Close on Slot NPRM

The comment period on a proposal to continue the reservation and slot program under the high-density rule at New York La Guardia Airport (LGA) closes Decem
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FAA consolidates and updates sim requirements

The FAA has adopted its four-year-old proposed rule to revise simulator and flight training device (FTD) requirements and consolidate them into a new FAR P
Regulations and Government

Drug/Alcohol Testing Rate Unchanged

The FAA has determined that the minimum random drug and alcohol testing percentage rates for next year will remain at 25 percent of safety-sensitive employ
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Alphabets bring user-fee case to AOPA

At the AOPA Convention in Palm Springs, Calif., last month, the specter of user fees cast its long shadow over operators and potential operators of the new
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NTSB wants action to ensure restarts

Manufacturers should be required to determine if engine restart capability exists after high-power, high-altitude flameouts, according to the NTSB.
Regulations and Government

Safety Board Comes Out ‘Clean’

The DOT Inspector General office has given an unqualified, or “clean,” opinion of the financial statements of the NTSB following an outside private audit f