Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Charter & Fractional

Simulator line checks proposed

An ATP corporate pilot who is a Gold Seal CFI and safety counselor is currently working on a rulemaking petition to allow pilots to accomplish the FAR 135.
Regulations and Government

ICAO approves pilots over 60

The International Civil Aviation Organization adopted a “standard” to increase the upper age limit for airline pilots to age 65, effective November 23.

Europe's ACAS II exemptions expire

On March 31 exemptions to ACAS II (TCAS II, Change 7) requirements in Europe were set to expire.

DOT HAZMAT rules revised

The DOT last month issued a rule amending the requirements for the transportation of hazardous materials by aircraft.

Plan for slots at soccer games

Special slot procedures will be in place at about 20 German airports during the World Cup soccer tournament, which runs from June 9 to July 9.

FAA predicts growth in commercial, GA activity

While the FAA drastically reduced its estimate about the number of very light jets (VLJs) to take to the air in the next decade, comments and speeches at t

O’Hare Slot Program Extended Again

The FAA extended through October 28 a flight-reduction program at Chicago O’Hare International Airport, including slot reservations for general aviation op
Regulations and Government

FAA launches new program to manage en route traffic

After nearly a year of planning, the FAA is launching a new en route traffic-management tool called airspace flow programs (AFP).
Regulations and Government

ADIZ transcripts removed

After the FAA removed the transcript of the first public meeting about the Washington, D.C.
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Comments Due on SEC Proposal

April 10 is the comment deadline for a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposal to require more detailed reporting of top executive compensation,
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St. Louis Class-B Revisions Go into Effect

Modifications to the St.
Regulations and Government

FAA Certifies Ae270 Turboprop

The FAA recently issued the type certificate for the Ibis Aerospace Ae270 turboprop single to Aero Vodochody, the Czech partner in the joint venture with T

MD Helicopters Puts Words into Action

In response to recommendations of the joint industry/ government International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST), MD Helicopters will include as standard equip

Contract talks continue between FAA, controllers

With the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) overseeing contract talks between the FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (
Regulations and Government

NTSB urges TAWS requirement for helos

The NTSB has recommended to the FAA that all U.S.-registered turbine helicopters certified to carry at least six passengers be required to have terrain awa
Regulations and Government

FAA gets earful from NTSB

The NTSB last month issued a scathing report highly critical of the FAA and the transport-helicopter industry for not embracing flight data recorders (FDRs

FAA mulls user input on permanent ADIZ

The comment period on the proposal to transform the Washington, D.C., air defense identification zone (ADIZ)–which covers 3,700 sq mi that closely follow t
Regulations and Government

Cabotage rules in Canada require special attention

For hundreds and maybe thousands of years, countries have sought to protect the transport trade within their borders from what they perceive as unfair comp
Regulations and Government

Cabotage, Then and Now

The practice of cabotage has its origins in early Portuguese history, in a time when Spanish ships sailing between northern and southern Spain would stop a
Regulations and Government

Proposed FAA budget leaves little funding for small airports

The Bush Administration rolled out its FY2007 budget plan early last month, calling for $13.75 billion for the FAA–down from the $14.31 billion for this fi
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Regulations and Government

Fragmentation reigns in Europe’s regs

German executive charter firm Triple Alpha Luftfahrt has added a sixth Cessna CitationJet to its fleet.
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Regulations and Government

New regulatory role for EASA might be delayed

The UK government is leading a campaign to delay the transfer of additional regulatory responsibilities to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) until
Regulations and Government

UK Reconsiders Bizav Regulation

The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is conducting a strategic review of business and general aviation and how these industries should be regulated.

European Security Rules Could Extend to Aircraft as Small as VLJs

Europe’s EC2320 requirement for full passenger and crew security screening could be extended to aircraft weighing as little as 2.7 tons (5,952 pounds), acc
Regulations and Government

SkyWest Subject of SEC Probe

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has launched an investigation into the accounting of certain maintenance costs by St.
Regulations and Government

FAA proposes imposing operational limitations for large aircraft

Manufacturers of Part 25 transport aircraft weighing more than 75,000 pounds, including business jet OEMs, will be required to develop operational limitati
Regulations and Government

FAA planners begin the task of identifying solutions to gridlock

With rare unanimity, aviation experts have agreed over the past few years on one thing: traffic will at least double, and perhaps even triple, by 2025.
Regulations and Government

Cooperation is essential to SES implementation

The single European sky legislation, with its provision for the creation by groups of states of cross-border functional airspace blocks within which multip

Hawker 4000 Certification ‘Just About There’

Raytheon Aircraft last expected to receive full FAA certification of the super-midsize Hawker 4000 Horizon in February, nearly five years later than the or
Regulations and Government

Aviation Industry Expo 2006: Taxation and regulation issues weigh heavily at NATA event

During a year when non-airline aviation is expected to continue growing to record levels, a number of challenges face those whose service businesses propel