
News and information on safety procedures and concerns.


A Winter Wakeup Call for Business Aviation

Seeing Susan Saint James on the Today show early last month remembering the life of her 14-year-old son, Teddy Ebersol–one of three people who died in the

MedAire expanding beyond medical expertise for travelers

Flight nurse Joan Sullivan Garrett never envisioned herself as an entrepreneur and certainly never as the head of a multi-million-dollar company with globa
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FAA clarifies ‘polished frost’ rule

The FAA issued a new Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO 06014) that seeks to clarify the conditions under which pilots can take off with frost adhering to ai

Congressman introduces bill to ground MU-2 fleet

Despite the issuance by the FAA of a Special FAR (SFAR) mandating initial and recurrent training for MU-2 pilots, lawmakers still want the airplane grounde

Update on De-icing Holdover Times

Revised Flight Standards Information Bulletin for Air Transportation (FSAT) 04-05 updates de-icing holdover times for this winter’s flying season.

A Reminder about Flight Plan Suffixes

Effective January 5, when filing an FAA flight plan (with the exception of filing through DUATS and flight service stations), RVSM-compliant operators are

JFK To Get Infrared De-icing System

An infrared de-icing system is scheduled to be operational late this winter at New York John F.

A Winter Wakeup Call for Business Aviation

Seeing Susan Saint James on the Today show early last month remembering the life of her 14-year-old son, Teddy Ebersol–one of three people who died

UK wants to change ‘polished frost’ rule

The UK’s Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) is recommending that the FAA change its regulations to make it illegal for aircraft to take off with so-

When Birds Strike

You might want to think twice about taking off at 10 a.m.

International Operations Special Report: European operators report obstacles to international ops

Security, crew fatigue and the potential for bureaucracy to inhibit operations, particularly on longer flights outside the region, are among the greatest c

LABACE 2005: IS-BAO Workshop Draws Small Crowd

The Latin American Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition hosted its first IS-BAO (International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations) workshop thi

FSF will begin corporate FOQA demo next month

The Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) has moved ahead on a program to demonstrate a corporate aviation application for flight-operations quality assurance (FO

VLJ parachute study falls short

Don’t expect to see Ballistic Recovery Systems (BRS) parachutes on the first crop of very light jets.

FAA Issues Another Primus Epic AD

After publishing a series of airworthiness directives earlier this year aimed at operators of certain aircraft equipped with Honeywell Primus Epic avionics

Firefighting Research Under Way

Australia has started a three-year research program to investigate the effectiveness of aerial “bush-fire” suppression.

Pilot vigilance can prevent icing accidents

As I prepared to pen yet another article dealing with winter operations, the realization hit me that we will likely have ice-related accidents.

Be Alert For Prying Eyes, Where You'd Least Expect Them

A disgruntled pilot reports that he ad visited a well known FBO at a busy, major-market airport recently and found  binder openly displayed on the cou

Schedulers & Dispatchers Update: December 2005

Rudy’s Inflight Catering is celebrating the one-year anniversary of its White Plains, N.Y.

ASDE-X To Improve Runway Safety

Airport surface detection equipment model X (ASDE-X), designed to help controllers spot potential runway collisions, will be installed at 15 airports begin

AOPA asks FAA to retain some NDBs

In response to an FAA proposal to eliminate 479 “redundant” NDB approaches as a cost-saving measure, AOPA has given the agency a list of 57 NDB approaches

Civil aviation accidents, fatalities decline in 2004

With accidents decreasing by 8.7 percent and fatal accidents dropping by 11.6 percent, last year was the safest year for U.S.

Part 135 Oversight Concerns NTSB

NTSB recommendations issued last month call on the FAA to step up its oversight of Part 135 operators to ensure that improper record-keeping practices are

Pilatus Correcting PC-12 Pitch Problem

A new pitch actuator will be required in some 330 U.S.-registered Pilatus PC-12s if the FAA adopts a proposed AD.

Alert Issued on Helo Fuel Contamination

Preventing helicopter fuel contamination is the topic addressed in a March 24 edition of the FAA’s Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin.

Cessna 208 Icing Accidents Lead to AD

All U.S.-registered Cessna 208 Caravans are covered by a new AD, the result of several accidents during operations in icing conditions, including six accid

In Bridstrike Campaign, Falcons Are Fighting Fit

It has been little more than a century since mankind figured out how birds do it and applied that knowledge to slipping the surly bonds.

Bombardier Safety Standdown

“We do many things for the industry throughout the year, but this is the one that makes me the most proud,” said James Hoblyn, v-p of Bombardier’s business
Charter & Fractional

Air ambulance operations

A call comes in to operations: a young American woman vacationing on a dive boat in the Caribbean is suffering from serious burns after a fire broke out
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