Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

News and issues relating to civil and military unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) of all kinds and sizes, including those used for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), combat (unmanned combat air vehicles, or UCAVs), law enforcement, research and other applications. Of particular focus is the FAA's planned integration of UAS into the U.S. national airspace system.


Aviator Hotel Prepares for Olympic Arrivals

Aviator Hotel Prepares for Olympic Arrivals
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

ST Aerospace Shows Off Latest UAV

The latest UAV from ST Aerospace, the Skyblade 360–a mini-UAV has been designed to use fuel cell technology to extend its endurance to an impressive six hours.
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French Air Force Chief: Tankers Soon, but Anglo-French UAV Much Later

The French Air Force will sign a contract for between five and seven A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transports in 2013, with quick deliveries foreseen
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Embraer-Elbit Connection Grows Via KC-390 and UAVs

Elbit Systems’ Brazilian subsidiary AEL Sistemas will supply the self-protection suite and directed, infrared countermeasures for the new Embraer KC-390.
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U.S. Gray Eagle UAV Gets More Sensors and Multi-Control

A new version of the General Atomics Predator/Reaper UAV series with multiple sensor control is ready for deployment to Afghanistan.
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Seoul Air Show Boosted by Korean Fighter, UAV, Helo and Missile Requirements

Ongoing major requirements and a growing defense budget in the Republic of Korea
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Predator UAVs Opening Up to Foreign Sensors and Control

A cooperation between General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) and Selex Galileo will enable the integration and control of non-U.S.
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Smaller UAVs Proving Their Worth in Afghanistan and Iraq, Says U.S. Army

Responding to an urgent operational requirement generated by the “surge” of American troops in Afghanistan, the U.S.
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MALE Decision in Paris Delays Anglo-French UAV Project

French Defense Minister Gerard Longuet said a French version of the
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Goodrich To Distribute Improved UAV Engine Fuel Injection System

Goodrich signed an agreement to distribute an electronic fuel injection system developed by Australian firm Currawong Engineering.
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Joined-Wing UAV Revealed in China

Photographs of a new Chinese UAV have been posted on Chinese websites.
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Boeing Phantom Ray UAV Makes First Flight

The Boeing Phantom Ray stealthy and autonomous UAV demonstrator made its first flight at Edwards AFB on April 27, and flew again in early May.
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Honeywell’s Micro-UAV Monitors Damaged Nuclear Plant

Honeywell Aerospace said its unmanned T-Hawk Micro Air Vehicle has flown several missions in support of disaster-remediation efforts at the damaged Fukushi
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Dassault Embraces BAE's Mantis UAV

Speaking at Dassault’s annual press conference yesterday, CEO Charles Edelstenne clarified that BAE Systems would be the prime contractor for a joint mediu
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Predator UAV Cleared for Wider Export  

In a significant move, the U.S.
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Should all UAVs Be Equipped with Transponders?

Manufacturers of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may no longer have an excuse not to equip their aircraft with transponders, which should make at least one

UAVs pose little threat to civilian pilot jobs

Do UAVs threaten civil pilot careers? That’s the question that AIN posed to several attendees at a recent conference in Montreal, sponsored by industry tra

Brazil Buys UAVs and Upgrades AMX, but Defers Fighter Choice

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) made two defense procurement decisions, but deferred the long-pending choice of a new combat aircraft.
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