News, issues, personnel, equipment and developments about air traffic management.


Service-fee Increases Enacted by Nav Canada

Nav Canada’s declining revenue, which resulted from reduced traffic volume over the last year as a consequence of the slowing economy and 9/11, has forced

RVSM Introduced in Indonesia

As of November 25, Indonesia implemented reduced vertical separation minimums (RVSM) between FL 350 and FL 390.

EU Endorses Single Sky ATC Plan

European Union (EU) transport ministers have approved the Single Sky plan for harmonizing European air traffic management (ATM), clearing the way to meet a

Taking the Middle Man Out of the ILS

Old timers may remember ATC requests to report the “middle marker inbound.” But it’s been such a long time since they have been an integral part of an ILS

New Washington Tracon Begins Operation

On December 14 the Potomac Consolidated Tracon began operation.

ATC Centers Get New Weather Radars

Air traffic controllers at the FAA’s 20 contiguous en route centers are now able to see more accurate, timely weather information on the same display that

Helo satnav approaches tested

Last year in Toulouse, France, Eurocopter completed two series of tests that demonstrated the feasibility of satellite-navigation precision approaches for

Alternatives to ILS gaining momentum

Is ILS, aviation’s trusted friend for the past half century, now seeing its last days? Probably not.

GE Spills Beans on Unidentified Embraer Customer

Engine maker General Electric may have inadvertently exposed the identity of the Embraer 190 program’s second customer when it told an audience gathered at

NATCA: FAA Delaying Runway Safety

The National Air Traffic Controllers Association accused the FAA of dragging its feet on deploying ASDE-X, which provides controllers with an all-weather,

ATC Attrition Can Be Blunted

The FAA will be able to cope with the loss of almost half of its air traffic controller workforce over the next nine years if it can keep better track of a

Are Controllers Paid Too Much?

Meanwhile, the General Accounting Office (GAO) added its voice to that of DOT inspector general Kenneth Mead, who has repeatedly warned that the FAA cannot

Eurocontrol reports on air traffic management

“Aviation is emerging from the most difficult period in its history to date.

Traffic management for pilots

The FAA’s Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) at Herndon, Va., is often referred to as the “nerve center” of the National Airspace System.

FAA discusses future of WAAS and LAAS at safety forum

At the FAA’s September International Aviation Safety Forum near Washington, the agency included a discussion session entitled “WAAS or LAAS, which is it?”

Agreement on Galileo seen as enhancing GPS

It took several years for the U.S.

Garmin Approved for WAAS Precision Approaches

The Garmin GNS 480 all-in-one GPS/navcom is now approved for primary-means WAAS navigation and localizer precision with vertical guidance (LPV) approaches.

Planning for the new U.S. air transportation system

As professionals engaged in business aviation, each of us probably has questions about what lies ahead for our community.

Civil air navigation plans progress on several fronts

Much positive news about the future of civil air navigation broke late last year.

Expert Advocates Taking Older Equipment off Aircraft

Aircraft operators have been forced to add new technology to meet updated requirements since the 1950s, but nothing ever seems to come off aircraft, one ai

FAA plan calls for ILS phaseout starting in 2015

Released last month, the 2005 Federal Radionavigation Plan (FRP)–a joint production of the DOT, DOD and the Department of Homeland Security–provides a usef

China Plans First Civil ADS-B Trials

China’s Air Traffic Management Bureau has selected Sensis to deploy automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) equipment at two airports in central

MLat favored as PRM replacement

At the Air Traffic Control Association’s annual convention this fall, Syracuse, N.Y.-based Sensis announced that its multilateration system will replace th

Free flight's fast slows down

Following air traffic controller complaints, the FAA and NASA are reviewing changes to the software controlling the final approach spacing tool (FAST), one

Departure Delays for Scheds Worsen in UK

Delays of airline flights out of UK airports during the first quarter increased to their highest level in a decade.

Hawker Operators Preparing for RVSM

Raytheon Aircraft Services Ltd.

NASA Selects Four Teams for SATS Tech Development

NASA’s small aircraft transportation system (SATS), a five-year, $69 million project aimed at maximizing the benefits of light aircraft and small airports,

GPS Proliferation Means More Charts, More Revisions

The increasing number of GPS approaches is making those government approach plate publications so thick for some regions that they have become unwieldy.

Garmin G1000 Retrofit OK’d for King Air C90s

Garmin received FAA STC approval to install G1000 avionics retrofits in the Hawker Beechcraft King Air C90A/GT.