News, issues, personnel, equipment and developments about air traffic management.


Transforming the National Air Transportation System

Previously this column has addressed efforts within the federal government to transform our nation’s air transportation system.

An ATC remedy with side effects

One of the newest ATC techniques is multilateration, where several small unattended receiving stations are dispersed around an airport to monitor transpond

Aircraft Electronics Association Convention 2002

For any pilot who’s ever sat glued to the Weather Channel or logged onto a weather Web site to keep a watchful eye on a powerful cold front or line of thun

FAA’s hybrid GPS/loran tests backup capability

As part of its evaluation of loran as a potential backup to GPS, the FAA has contracted Rock-well Collins to build a combined GPS/loran variant of its stan

FAA Extends Boeing ATM Contract

The FAA has awarded Boeing’s Air Traffic Management organization a $3.1 million contract extension to continue work through the summer for the global commu

Houston Class B Airspace Modified

The FAA has revised the Houston Class B airspace to contain the operations of jetliners to the new runways recently activated at George Bush Intercontinent

Independent review board gives SATS thumbs down

Despite having received millions of dollars in federal government funding, NASA’s small aircraft transportation system (SATS) has been described as “unprom

ATC technology: The route ahead

here is a saying in aviation that a mile of highway gets you one mile, but a mile of runway gets you anywhere.

RVSM remains a challenge for many

With only about 15 months left to go before the start of domestic reduced vertical separation minimums (DRVSM) in the U.S., the clock is ticking for busine

Washington Report: No Foul, but Was There Any Harm?

After investigating an allegation that the FAA destroyed an audiotape of six New York Center controllers’ accounts of the 9/11 attacks, Transportation insp

Arinc and Aeromech Team on RVSM Equipment Upgrades

Arinc and Aeromech have announced plans to offer RVSM upgrade packages to owners and operators of Cessna Citations, Beechjets and Hawkers.

Embry-Riddle launches ADS-B technology trial

By this summer, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University expects that the flight-training fleets at its Daytona Beach, Fla., and Prescott, Ariz.

Australia Opts for Nationwide ADS-B

At the end of March, Airservices Australia (the country’s privatized ATC provider) announced that it had contracted with Thales of France to provide ADS-B

LAAS on back burner, but WAAS is heating up

The FAA’s decision to relegate the GPS Cat 1 local-area augmentation system (LAAS) to a mere R&D program (AIN, March 2004, page 1)

ATC Technologies

Sharp rises in the number of airline flights originating from airports in the U.S.

New faster DRVSM plan draws fire from NBAA

The FAA’s sweeping proposal to implement domestic reduced vertical separation minimums (DRVSM) in the U.S.

Nav Canada To Restore Original User Fees

The temporary reduction in navigation and ATC user charges in Canada will be eliminated on December 31 in one of several steps Nav Canada is taking to stem

Trade Groups Support Contract Tower Program

Six aviation associations last month submitted a joint letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee urging it to support full funding of the FAA’s federal

ATC program overruns attract COT's concerns

Concerned with the FAA’s recent history of cost and schedule overruns in acquiring equipment to update ATC, as well as shortfalls in that equipment’s perfo

RNAV SIDs introduced for Dallas/Fort Worth

Sixteen RNAV standard instrument departure (SID) procedures go into effect October 12 for Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW).

Air Routing Program bypasses traffic glitches

Air Routing International’s Domestic Flight Watch (DFW) program, now in its second year, is designed to reduce the impact of ATC delays and reroutings on c

ITT wins ADS-B contract

The FAA awarded to ITT in August an 18-year, $1.8 billion contract to provide nationwide automatic dependent surveillance- broadcast (ADS-B) service throug

New roadmap into Northeast airspace

The FAA has issued a final decision for redesigning the New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia metropolitan airspace, but it is likely that airport neighbor

Sensis concept targets runway incursions

Honeywell and Sensis demonstrated in August a concept of providing automated, individual voice warnings to pilots about to fall prey to a runway incursion

CDAs may migrate to bizav sooner rather than later

With global shipping giant UPS leading the way, business jet operators may soon be able to take advantage of the latest GPS-based navigation system that al

Honeywell’s own G450 SAAARS into MMU

Honeywell last week gave the first flight demonstrations of an RNP (required navigation performance) approach being developed at Morristown Municipal Airpo


The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) and NBAA are forming a permanent global industry advisory group to gather input on the development of ne

Full ADS-B rollout will take years

The FAA’s decision last month to award ITT Corp.