Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

Stone resigns from top post at security agency

Retired Navy Rear Admiral David Stone, who earned high praise from general aviation groups as head of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), is

NBAA Clarifies RVSM Climb and Decent Speeds

An operational alert NBAA published last month requires some clarification.
Regulations and Government

ARC prepares Part 135 revisions for FAA review

The Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) helping the FAA revise the Part 125/135 rulebook has essentially completed its work, but it is continuing to fine-t
Regulations and Government

Pilot Takes Left Seat at NASA

Michael Griffin reported to work late last month as the 11th administrator of NASA.
Regulations and Government

Manifest Transmission Rules Refined

The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) last month issued its final rule on the electronic filing of commercial aircraft passenger and crew manif
Regulations and Government

House mulls cabin air-quality regs

Regulation may be in the air for the cabins of commercial aircraft, though it is unclear which is more infectious: airborne particles or hysterical legisla
Regulations and Government

Europe ready to expand EASA’s regulatory role

The European Commission (EC) is moving quickly to extend the responsibilities of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to cover pilot licensing, aircr
Regulations and Government

Brazil’s senate approves civil aviation authority

Nearly six years after the creation of a civilian-run aviation agency was first proposed, the Brazilian Senate has approved a new civil aviation authority,

Tank Flammability Rules Proposed

Bizliner operators would be required to incorporate technology to meet reduced levels of flammability exposure in fuel tanks, under FAA proposed rulemaking
Regulations and Government

St. Louis Class B Revisions Proposed

The FAA’s proposal to modify St.
Regulations and Government

Comment period extended for ADIZ

As opposition continued to mount against a plan to make the Washington, D.C., air defense identification zone (ADIZ) permanent, Transportation Secretary No

LAX Class B Shoreline Route Reinstated

The configuration of Los Angeles (LAX) Class B airspace is set to change on December 22 to ensure that STAR routes are contained within the protected airsp
Regulations and Government

UK to decide soon on foreign aircraft limits

The UK Department for Transport (DfT) is expected to decide early next year whether it will forge ahead with plans to restrict the amount of time foreign-r
Regulations and Government

Stage 4 noise standards to take effect Jan. 1

All jet and transport-category airplanes with an mtow of 12,500 pounds or more for which application of a new type design is submitted on or after Jan.

FAA rolls out ‘co-opetition’ concept at ATC convention

Co-opetition–it’s the hottest new Washington buzzword, meaning that you cooperate with your competitors to ensure you’re not left out when the FAA awards t
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: October 2005

— Following tradition, Congress escaped Washington’s heat and humidity by taking its customary recess in August.
Regulations and Government

User-fee fight is different this time

Business aviation interests have been victorious in their battles over the years to prevent the creation of general aviation user fees to replace the curre
Regulations and Government

Congress oks FAA funding

Before leaving for the Thanksgiving holiday, Congress approved Fiscal Year 2006 funding for the FAA totaling approximately $13.8 billion, which is $276 mil
Regulations and Government

CBAA regulatory role might expand

The regulatory role of the Canadian Business Aviation Association (CBAA) might expand into instrument and type ratings, as well as maintenance checks, foll

Global XRS on track for TC okay by year-end

When Bombardier announced the Global XRS follow-on derivative of the Global Express, the Canadian manufacturer promised an airplane that represented added
Regulations and Government

FAA considers new funding mechanisms to pay its bills

As the FAA wrestles with how to generate a stable and predictable revenue stream to fund its operations, the head of the Air Transport Association (ATA) we
Regulations and Government

Lockheed Taking Over FSS System

Lockheed Martin on October 4 is scheduled to take over operation of Flight Service Stations and, according to AOPA, the company promises the transition wil
Regulations and Government

New SDR Rules To Be Withdrawn

The FAA has proposed withdrawing pending rules that amend the service difficulty reporting (SDR) requirements for air carriers and repair stations.
Regulations and Government

Alternative Training To Be Permanent

Effective October 3, the Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) will become a permanent component of Part 121 and 135 airline training regulations.
Regulations and Government

Comments Due on Non-UK Aircraft Proposal

October 28 is the comment deadline for the UK’s Department of Transport (DoT) proposal to prevent foreign-registered aircraft from being based in the UK “b
Regulations and Government

DCA access rule elicits few comments from the industry

The deadline for commenting on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) plan to reopen Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) to some gene

AOPA Says FAA Wrong About MU-2

“The MU-2B turboprop does not need yet another certification review,” according to AOPA.

NATA Appeals to Congress on EPA Rule

In a letter to all 535 members of Congress, the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) highlighted what it calls “costly and ill-conceived provisio
Charter & Fractional

BusinessFly awaits SEIMC rule change

Cyril Baert believes he has found a new market niche for single-engine turboprop aircraft in France’s business aviation sector despite yet another postpone
Charter & Fractional

No Commercial SEIMC for Europe This Year

Prospective European clearance for commercial single-engine IMC operations (SEIMC) continues to progress through regulatory approval stages but will not co