Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

En route and terminal RNP coming for U.S.

The FAA has implemented performance- based navigation in the form of standard instrument departures (SIDs), en route Q and T routes, standard arrival route
Regulations and Government

FAA To Host New Technologies Workshop

The FAA’s Flight Technologies and Procedures Division will host its second annual New Technologies Implementation Workshop from November 29 to December 1 a
Regulations and Government

Washington Report: November 2005

Congress Might Clip NASA’s Wings
NASA’s use of seven of its fleet of 85 aircraft to transport employees to routine site visits, meetings, speeches and
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: November 2005

– Among the after-effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita was a flood of Congressional bills to provide relief to the communities and people devastated
Regulations and Government

NTSB includes Part 91K in call for improved GA statistics

How accurate are the NTSB’s published general aviation accident rate statistics and related data? Not accurate enough, according to the Safety Board.
Regulations and Government

AOPA fighting against permanent D.C. ADIZ

As the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) mounted a “national pilot alert” against the proposed permanent air defense identification zone (ADIZ)

FAA initiates cost study of nationwide ADS-B

The FAA’s top-level Joint Resources Council (JRC) has called for the estimated cost of a nationwide, GPS-based, automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast
Regulations and Government

Industry Seeks Delay in EPA Regulations

In a letter sent last month to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Air Transportation Association and several other trade groups reques
Regulations and Government

FAA rolls out new designee program with big changes

The FAA on November 14 will implement its organization delegation authorization (ODA) program, which will replace the current designee program.
Regulations and Government

TSA Vet to Return as Agency Boss

President Bush has nominated Edmund “Kip” Hawley to be Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of the Transportation Security Administration (TS
Regulations and Government

Schedulers & Dispatchers Update: June 2005

Get ready for a passport shakeup as the rules change. There are countries you can travel to and from without showing a passport, but their number ha
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: June 2005

• House Minority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) has been the subject of months of scrutiny for alleged improprieties in accepting travel paid for by lobbyists,
Charter & Fractional

FAA Will Add Frax Ops to W&B Advisory Circular

The FAA will soon replace a 1995 advisory circular that provides operators with guidance and recommendations on how to develop and receive approval for a w

Noise Abatement Plan Submitted for Fort Lauderdale

Management at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport, Fla., has submitted a proposed noise compatibility program (under FAR Part 150 guidelines) to the FAA, whi
Regulations and Government

Three Learjets Seized in Drug Ring Bust

A drug bust last month netted Drug Enforcement Administration officials 141 pounds of cocaine, two handguns, an AK-47, approximately $700,000 in cash, the
Regulations and Government

California Aeronautics Budget Stays Intact

The California legislature didn’t transfer $745,000 left over from last year’s aeronautical budget into the general fund, as Gov.
Regulations and Government

GA to Benefit from Pennsylvania Airport Grants

Pennsylvania will provide more than $4 million in state-aid grants to pay for improvements at six airports heavily used by general aviation: $1.5 million f
Regulations and Government

TFRs abound as election approaches

As the presidential election heated up last month, the blood pressures of many general aviation pilots rose faster than the campaign rhetoric as they attem

Extra EA-500 earns European approval

Proving that insolvency isn’t always the end of the road for an aircraft manufacturer, Lancaster, Pa.-headquartered Extra Aircraft received European Aviati
Regulations and Government

Highway bill affects bizav

The Senate passed the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act (the “Highway Bill”) on May 17, which authorizes surface transportation spending through F
Regulations and Government

Errant pilot has certificate pulled

The FAA revoked the pilot certificate of Hayden Sheaffer, pilot-in-command of the Cessna 150 that violated the Washington, D.C.
Regulations and Government

UK warns: reduce emissions or pay

The UK intends to push for emissions trading for aviation when it heads the European Union for six months, beginning July 1.
Regulations and Government

Legislation Would Limit Weather Data

Regulations and Government

User fees get cool reception on the Hill

Calls to institute user fees to help pay for FAA expenditures in the future continue to generate little support in Congress, as evidenced by a hearing befo
Regulations and Government

Foundation proposes user fees, but not for piston GA aircraft

The libertarian Reason Foundation, which has been promoting  privatization for more than 25 years, has published a new study calling for a user-fee sy
Regulations and Government

NTSB Targeting EMS Helicopters

Watch for the NTSB soon to release recommendations intended to improve the safety of EMS helicopter operations.
Regulations and Government

Comment Period Extended on NPRM

The comment period on the FAA’s proposed upgrades to cockpit voice and flight data recorders has been extended to June 28, the result of a request by the A
Charter & Fractional

European agency studies fractional-ownership rules

Ever since the FAA issued its final rule on “Regulation of Fractional Aircraft Ownership Programs and On-demand Operations” known as Part 91, Subpart K [wh
Charter & Fractional

NBAA, NATA to clarify Part 91/135 'piggybacking'

NBAA and NATA are collaborating on a series of white papers to clarify use of Part 91 aircraft by Part 135 aircraft charter management companies.

Slot Program to be reinstated at O'Hare

Scheduled to start November 1, GA IFR slot reservation requirements will be reinstated for at least six months at O’Hare International Airport as part of t